Dr. CS's AI Lab
thrive verb
to grow or develop well or vigorously; to flourish; to prosper.
We are interested in advancing a broad range of AI techniques, especially machine learning techniques, and applying them to problems that impact lives directly. In short, we want build AI that helps people thrive.
Our technical interests include
- multi-agent systems,
- reinforcement learning,
- cognitive modeling,
- evolutionary optimization,
- quantum computing and machine learning,
- neural networks and deep learning,
or any technique that is well-suited to a particular problem. We tend to drive our technical choices by the problems we for which we have some technical insight and feel are most urgent. These problems lie mostly in the following areas:
- AI for American thriving. Decision support for policy makers in a variety of domains, technology for defense applications, development of American AI talent.
- AI for human thriving. Intelligent systems for mental health, activity/motion recognition for fall risk prediction, intelligent decision support for clinicians, AI-driven innovations in health science.
Past Research
Before coming to Kennesaw State University, the PI did some work at Georgia Tech. For a summary, see his past research.
Because we seek to apply AI to problems in a variety of domains, our work is necessarily interdisciplinary. Please contact Professor Simpkins at christopher.simpkins@kennesaw.edu
if you are interested in discussing opportunities.
We are currently funded with a little bit of the PI's startup funding and a mountain of passion. We are seeking external funding from a variety of agencies.