AI for Human Thriving (AI4HT)

thrive verb

to grow or develop well or vigoursly; to flourish; to prosper.

People thrive when they are safe, secure and healthy. Problems of human thriving span a broad range from national and international security to environmental safety to individual health and wellness. We want to help solve problems in these areas and advance the state of the art in AI and machine learning in support of that goal.


AI for human thriving is necessarily interdisciplinary. Please contact Professor Simpkins at if you are interested in discussing opportunities.

Application Areas

Health and Wellness

The health challenges facing our country are great. In 2019 life expectancy started decreasing for the first time in 100 years. Americans are less physically fit than at any time in our history, which not only decreases our quality of life but threatens our security as our military faces a historic recruiting crisis. Nearly half of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic illness. And our population is aging rapidly. Yet against all these challenges there is great opportunity. We have more data and better data collection and distribution systems than ever before, and over a third of Americans wear fitness trackers and health monitors. We have barely begun to tap the enormous potential of AI to improve the health of our population, and the potential impact can hardly be overstated.

Some particular goals include:

Current Projects in Health and Wellness

AI for Fall Risk Assessment and Reduction

The CDC estimates the total annual cost of falls to be more than $50 billion annually. In older adults these falls often lead to life-threatening complications. As our population ages, this problem will only increase. We are currently working with biomechanics researchers who specialize in fall risk assessment and prevention in older adults and in clinical populations, e.g., people suffering from neuro-muscular disorders, on the following early-stage projects:

The ultimate goal of the work above is to produce AI systems to mitigate fall risk:

Future Ideas in Health and Wellness


We are currently funded with a little bit of the PI's startup funding and a mountain of passion. We are seeking external funding from a variety of agencies. Please contact Professor Simpkins at if you are interested in funding our work.